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Current status of the registry archive project

Nearing 7,000 cars in the registry archive in the following is an overview of how those cars are distributed amongst the different production variants.

On average more than 35% of each variant has been archived with the largest percentages for the cars with higher intrinsic values (Alpina, CSi), later model years and North American (NA) based cars. The lowest rates are assigned to the old M70 based cars, be it with manual or automatic gearbox of which many did not survive the tides of times.

More than 50% of the E31-production took place in 1990/1991. October 1, 2011 marks the date where half the produced 8ers are 20 years or older!   

Engine Code Displacement Model Gearbox Steering Region Total #
# in Archive %
M60 4.0 840 6 LHD ECE 329 48 14,6
M60 4.0 840 6 RHD ECE 54 18 33,3
M60 4.0 840 A LHD ECE 1780 281 15,8
M60 4.0 840 A LHD NA 1649 674 40,9
M60 4.0 840 A RHD ECE 916 243 26,5
M62 4.4 840 6 LHD ECE 93 27 29,0
M62 4.4 840 6 RHD ECE 3 2 66,7
M62 4.4 840 A LHD ECE 708 228 32,2
M62 4.4 840 A LHD NA 801 363 45,3
M62 4.4 840 A RHD ECE 1470 417 28,4
M70 5.0 850 6 LHD ECE 2721 260 9,6
M70 5.0 850 6 LHD NA 847 378 44,6
M70 5.0 850 6 RHD ECE/ZA 102 27 26,5
M70 5.0 850 A LHD ECE 11989 1447 12,1
M70 5.0 850 A LHD NA 3347 1186 35,4
M70 5.0 850 A RHD ECE/ZA 1066 269 25,2
M73 5.4 850 A LHD ECE 855 281 32,9
M73 5.4 850 A LHD NA 363 207 57,0
S70 5.6 CSi 6 LHD ECE 1125 293 26,0
S70 5.6 CSi 6 LHD NA 225 137 60,9
S70 5.6 CSi 6 RHD ECE 160 74 46,3
D1-B12 5.0 Alpina A ALL ECE 97 62 63,9
D2-B12 5.7 Alpina 6 ALL ECE 57 47 82,4

The graph below shows the percentage of cars in the archive relative to the production year.

We expect to reach the 7k cars milestone in July/August 2011 and the long term goal - 25% of all produced E31´s - until late spring 2012.

To date the registry archive contains more than 160.000 files - of those 100.000 pictures and in excess of 60.000 PDF files including all build data sheets, online ads and various supporting information. On average the registry volunteers add ca. 500MB data each month to the archive. 

posted @ Friday, July 15, 2011 by Registry
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I am proud to be an excellent member of this team. Everyone should take a sample archiving.

posted @ Sunday, July 17, 2011 7:21 PM by Fatih

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