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Vehicle Build Sheet Report finally available

The information contained in the Vehicle Build Sheet Report (VBS-R) is not available elsewhere and by far surpasses what even the manufacturer would be able to offer.
 You will find precise figures for your car in relation to the worldwide 8er production, exterior colour, upholstery, colour combination and much more....

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posted @ Wednesday, December 21, 2011 by Registry

2000 cars & owners registered

Nearly ten years after the first steps into becoming the worldwide 8er registry and archive were made, we have received the personal registration of the 2000th 8-series car today. To date 8er owners from 66 countries have registered their car with

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posted @ Wednesday, November 30, 2011 by Registry

Oct 1, 2011 - half the 8-series has turned 20

    Half the produced E31´s today exceed the age of 20 years. 22 months into the series production but with almost 8 years to go, the majority of 8-series Coupé´s roamed the streets worldwide.

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posted @ Saturday, October 01, 2011 by Registry

Current status of the registry archive project

Nearing 7,000 cars in the registry archive in the following is an overview of how those cars are distributed amongst the different production variants.

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posted @ Friday, July 15, 2011 by Registry

More than 6000 cars in archives - 20% milestone passed

The Registry Volunteer Team is pleased to announce that we have reached two milestones during the past month, namely passing the 6000 archived cars mark in November and the 20% milestone of cataloging the 30,621 8er's produced by BMW AG earlier this month.

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posted @ Tuesday, December 07, 2010 by Registry

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